- Installing Ambition
- Creating your first application
- Configuration
- Controllers and Views
- Ambition Templates
- Accessing and Storing Data
- Extending your Application with Plugins
- Integrating with Almanna
- Web Forms and Helpers
- Testing Your Application
Advanced Topics
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Handy Recipes and How Tos
- Troubleshooting
- Support Forum on Google Groups
An application using Ambition supports loadable configuration files, and one was created when ambition new
was run. If your application's name was Example
, you can find it in config/example.conf
By default, this is what is provided:
# The app name can be referenced from within your app = Example
# Requests for paths starting with these comma-separated directories will be
# found in the static/ directory of this project.
static.directories = static
# Show log items at or above the value. (debug, info, warn, error)
app.log_level = debug
# Display the Powered-By HTTP header
app.show_powered_by = yes
# Uncomment to define where to store the log file when your application is
# daemonized.
# app.log_file = Example.application.log
# If using the SCGI engine, you can configure the maximum number of threads or
# the port to listen on.
scgi.port = 3200
scgi.threads = 10
The options provided are all used by Ambition for loading engines, determining how to log, or auto-creating actions to serve static files. Each of them can be looked up, and any new options added to the configuration can also be referenced inside your application. To add or change values, add them as key = value
. The configuration methods are usable through the Config
singleton, and by default, all values will be strings.
Additional configuration options
- When accepting uploads from a HTML form, Ambition will create temporary files to store those uploads. Set this to true to keep temporary files after the request is complete.
- Set a default engine type for running your application. The default is 'Raw', but if other engine plugins are installed, like 'SCGI', it can be defined here to provide a new default.
- Name the session cookie as sent to the browser
- Time, in seconds, until a session expires. Defaults to ending when the browser closes.
- A comma-separated list of namespaces to add as "using" lines within compiled templates.
- Set a different base class for compiled templates. The base class must be a subclass of Ambition.CoreView.Template
To look up a configuration value
var value = Config.lookup("example.key");
To look up a configuration value, with a default value if it does not exist
var value = Config.lookup_with_default( "is_production", "no" );
Look up a value as another type
Methods are available to save a couple of steps when parsing a configuration value. A missing value will still return null, but will otherwise auto-convert values. lookup_bool will convert any capitalization of "true", "1", "t", and "yes" to true, and all other values to false.
# Config: example.value = 100
int value = Config.lookup_int("example.value");
# value = 100
# Config: example.value = 1000000000
int64 value = Config.lookup_int64("example.value");
# value = 1000000000
# Config: example.bool = true
bool value = Config.lookup_bool("example.bool");
# value = true;